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Pak Sarzamin Party representatives highlighting Pakistan’s 74-year history said in a speech in Birmingham

Birmingham (Arif Chaudhry)

Shabbir Ahmad Qaim Khani, central vice chairman of Pak Sarzamin Party, said that inflation has broken the backs of poor people and Prime Minister Imran Khan said that there is no need to panic. Speaking at a dinner hosted by

Highlighting the 74-year history of Pakistan, he said that the people were shown sweet dreams, bread, cloth and house, sometimes their vote for their own, respect the vote and sometimes false dreams of a new Pakistan were shown and Prime Minister Imran Khan Advising to panic.

According to Imran Khan, when there was a government of thieves, flour was Rs 40 per kg and today in the government of honest people, flour has become Rs 85 per kg. If this is the standard of honesty, then the government of the thieves would have been better.

If Mustafa Kamal’s performance as mayor is removed, then the performance of MQM is zero. Mustafa Kamal, while saving humanity, saved more than 30 million people of Karachi and escaped from the clutches of RAW agents. Shabbir Qaim Khani talked about the problems of Pakistan, Kashmir and other Pakistanis and their solutions and also answered the questions of the journalists.

Chaudhry Altaf Shahid, President Pak-Sarzamin Party UK, said that more Pakistani and Kashmiri groups are joining PSP in droves and this trend is now spreading to Europe which is a good thing. Pak Sarzamin Party UK Senior Vice President The President and the host of the event, Mirza Faisal Mahmood, congratulated the special guest Shabir Ahmed Qaim Khani on his arrival in the UK, especially in Birmingham, and said that Birmingham and the land of the UK were looking forward to Mustafa Kamal.

Faisal Mehmood further said that on March 3, 2016, Mustafa Kamal and Anis Qaim Khani came to Karachi with their lives in their hands. He said that his conscience decided that he wanted to accompany these two brave sons of Pakistan. As the engagement continued, his first press conference was held on British soil. Referring to his press conference, he said that Altaf Hussain was the pharaoh of the time and he decided to go with Mustafa Kamal to get rid of this pharaoh. What if a journalist asked you not to love your life? Replying to this, Faisal Mahmood said that no one can save me from the night in the grave. Life and death are from Allah Almighty. If my death is written by the followers of Altaf Hussain, then no one can save them.

Time has proved that peace has come in the whole of Sindh including Karachi and the British territory is also shrinking for the MQM. Adnan Malik, Barrister Abdul Rashid, renowned lawyer Zahid Chaudhry, Shehzad Iqbal, Councillor Zakirullah, Councillor Babarbaz, former Councillor Raja Shaukat, Naib Mughal, Chaudhry Shakeel, Iftikhar Jagnu and others addressed the gathering.

The compering ceremony was presented by Ghulam Nabi Amir, recitation of Holy Quran by Raja Mushtaq, Naat Rasool Maqbooliyat, Ahmad Jahangir Qadri and Ishtiaq.

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