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Number of Expo 2020 Dubai viewers close to 30 million

Dubai (Special Report)

On October 1, Expo 2020 has reached 29 lakhs 42 thousand 388 since the beginning of Dubai. According to the official news agency, the young minds will be more dynamic during the drainage and Learning Week 12 to 18th. Last week, the UAE flag was celebrated in Expo 2020 Dubai, Deputy President, Prime Minister and Hakim Dubai Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Almatram, a national flag. In addition to the Islamic Cooperation Organization’s Day, Antigua and Barbuda, Indonesia, Columbia and National Days of National Days, were also organized in 2020 Dubai, King of Holland, William Alexander and Queen Mexium also visited Expo. In Expo 2020, unlimited artists have now performed their art. In which the world-renowned Irish dance group was also presented. The shows of this group will continue in November.

Devil’s celebrations in Expo also provided opportunities for fun. Indian dramas Salim and Solomon Merchant were presented in this Hindutroot. The music programs were also presented to the festival of lights in the Late Night At Expo, including the special show of the Indian Reaper King. Expo 2020 In Dubai, the world’s best bicycle riders participated in the World Expo, which was the first event held in the World Expo. In comparison to the tough, Peter Sagan of Slovakia got the first position leaving Columbia’s Egan Journal. On October 31st October 31, the cities started on October 3, with the announcement on November 6 that more than 120 permanent buildings of Expo 2020 have been given certificates of these Energy and Environmental Designs.

On November 12 in Expo 2020, Nancy will unite the world through music, the show will be broadcast throughout the world, this show will be broadcast worldwide, on the same day pop concert can be presented. Will be Expo Youngstars program will also be organized by November 17 in the Olalla Plaza, in which the young students of the UAE will offer students capabilities. On November 13, one of the best Athletes of history will lead to a family race, Yusin Bolt 11 times the world champion, eight-time Olympic Gold Medalists and many global records. Expo 2020 Dubai has become a million rupees from October 1 to 48 million.

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