Reg: 12841587     

Power crisis in Balochistan is taking a critical turn. Landlords and common man are suffering due to unavailability of electricity: Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo

Quetta (Special Representative)

This was stated by Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo during a meeting with a delegation of landlords. He said that this situation could not be tolerated any more.

Casco and the federal government will have to take urgent steps to resolve the power crisis in Balochistan. The delegation apprised the Chief Minister that their crops were being destroyed due to prolonged load shedding and their employment was being severely affected despite the landlords paying their bills regularly.

On this occasion, CEO Casco informed that the central power distribution and transmission system is not providing full power of its quota to Balochistan. The minimum requirement is 800 MW. The Chief Minister said that he would talk to the Federal Minister for Energy in this regard and record the protest so that the people of Balochistan would not be abused and power supply to the province would be ensured as per its quota.

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