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Afghan anchor forced to sell food on street after Taliban takeover

Mishaal Arshad C.M Underground News

Since the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan, the country has faced an extreme economic crisis that was also being faced by a former journalist who was spotted selling food on the street to make ends meet. 

The pictures of the anchor, posted by Musa Mohammadi, have been making rounds on the internet. 

The post read: “Journalists life in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Musa Mohammadi worked for years as anchor and reporter in different TV channels, now has no income to feed his family and sells street food to earn some money.”

He further wrote that “Afghans suffer unprecedented poverty after the fall of republic”.

The post gathered the attention of thousands of people including Ahmadullah Wasiq, who is the director of the National Radio and Television. 

Wasiq assured on Twitter that his organisation will appoint him within the framework of the National Radio and Television.

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