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33-year-old Pakistani becomes youngest judge of international bodybuilding competitions

Mishaal Arshad C.M Underground News

  • Armughan Muqeem is also vice president of the Pakistan Body Building Federation.
  • Armughan Muqeem will now perform his duties as a judge in Asian bodybuilding championships.
  • Armughan calls it a proud moment for being appointed as the youngest judge.

In a proud moment for Pakistan,  the vice president of the Pakistan Body Building Federation, Armughan Muqeem, has been appointed as the youngest judge in the Asian bodybuilding championship held in the Maldives.

Muqeem, 33, will now perform his duties as a judge in Asian bodybuilding championship competitions after receiving a license in recognition of his skills and abilities from the Asian Body Building Federation (ABF).

Calling it a proud moment, Muqeem said that all his hard work of years bore fruit today.

“It was a proud moment for myself and my family to honour my nation with this great opportunity and be a sign of pride for my county,” he said.

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