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Commercial Trade Secretary Chaudhary Muhammad Akhtar at Pakistan Consulate organized the Mango Festival at Market Street Manchester City Center in collaboration with UKPCCI,
which was attended by many communities apart from political and social entrepreneu

Manchester (Reporting by Arif Chaudhary)

Consul General Tariq Wazir and Commercial Trade Secretary Chaudhary Muhammad Akhtar in Pakistan Consulate organized the Mango Festival in Market Street Manchester City Center in collaboration with UKPCCI.

In which Member of Parliament Afzal Khan Deputy Lord Mayor of Manchester Yasmin Dar, Mayor Beri Shahina Haroon, Deputy Leader Beri Council Councillor Taimur Taq, Managing Director of World Wide Cash in carrying Mohammad Zahid, Former Lord Mayor of Manchester Naeemul Hasan, Pakistan British businessman Syed Asad Khan, Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Former Coordinator Raja Maqsood Hussain, Tehreek Haq Self-Determination International Chairman Raja Najabat Hussain, Khazina Chairman of Poetry and Literature of Britain, Imtiaz Iqbal Sheikh and President, eminent poet Naghmana Kanwal Sheikh, Komal Khan, Probeena Ji, political and social entrepreneurs, and a large number of community members participated on this occasion, Public Consul General Tariq Wazir.

He said that the Pakistani mango is the king of fruits. Today, the Mango Festival aims to make Pakistani mangoes accessible to other communities living in the UK people here, is it? Commercial Trade Secretary Chaudhry Muhammad Akhtar said that today the Mango Festival in Manchester’s Dil Market Street is an introductory event for the English community here and the response of the English community, here is good.

The demand for mangoes will increase. Member of British Parliament Afzal Khan said that the presence of thousands of people here today shows there is a lot of demand for Pakistani mangoes. Bring it to Britain, it will also support the Pakistani economy and the relations between Pakistan and Britain will improve further. And prominent businessman Aamir Khawaja said that today we organized a mango festival in collaboration with Pakistan Consulate in Manchester, which is going very successfully. We are trying to increase the import from Pakistan.

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