Reg: 12841587     

Chaudhary Khalid Mehmood visited the former mayor of Rochdale Muhammad Zaman on the death of his brother and Rochdale councillor Shakeel Ahmed on the death of his cousin.

Rochdale (Arif Chaudhary)

Chaudhary Khalid Mehmood, a famous business social journalist of Pakistan, Britain and Europe, visited the former mayor of Rochdale Muhammad Zaman on the death of his brother and Rochdale councillor Shakeel Ahmed on the death of his cousin.

Senior journalist Chaudhry Arif Pandhir was also present on this occasion. On this occasion, Chaudhry Khalid said that “The authority of life and death belongs to Allah, every born has to go back one day. We pray that Allah Almighty May Mayor Muhammad Zaman and his family and Councillor Shakeel Ahmed and his family be blessed with patience and give the deceased a place in Jannat al-Firdous (Ameen).

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