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Protests have intensified around the world against indiscriminate shelling and missile strikes by Israeli security forces on unarmed Palestinians.

From Rochdale (COO Report) Chaudhry Arif Pandhir

Thousands of people protested in the United Kingdom against the indiscriminate shelling and missile attacks by Israeli security forces on unarmed Palestinians.

The British Parliament Tony Lloyd Deputy Mayor Councilor Asim Rashid Muslim Conference UK and Europe Kashmir Liberation Cell Chairman Chaudhry Muhammad Bashir Ratwa UK and Pakistan’s socio-religious figure Sister Shabnam Hadi besides people from different schools of thought attended.

“We are with the Palestinian people,” said Tony Lloyd, a member of the British Parliament. “We are with the Palestinian people. We must end the violence in Palestine and we must be free. Will be .

Deputy Mayor Rochdale Councilor Asim Rashid said that the issue should be resolved through disarmament and negotiations. At present, the way the war is going on in Palestine, innocent children and women are being tortured and martyred to stop the atrocities against humanity. The United Nations should play its part, he said, adding that as demonstrations are taking place across Britain, people want the United Nations to intervene and stop the atrocities against unarmed Palestinians.

Sister Shabnam Hadi, a socio-religious figure, said that all Muslim nations should come together to help the Palestinians and the United Nations should also play its role. We will always support the Palestinians.

Councilor Ali Ahmed said that the local community has come together to raise their voice in favor of Palestine. We want Palestine to be free.

Chaudhry Muhammad Bashir Ratwi said that Israeli security forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque when Muslims were offering prayers there. This is an inhumane act which is strongly condemned. Shut down.

Councilor Faisal Rana said that outside today’s protest, we should not forget, but the charitable organizations should help the Palestinians financially and we will play our full role in this regard.

Imam Faisal Yaqub said that injustice is a threat to justice anywhere in the world, whether you are a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian or any other religion. To stand with Palestine means that you stand with justice.

Councilor Iftikhar said that we will always condemn the oppression of the Palestinians. Finally, Maulana Irfan Chishti also offered special prayers for the liberation of the Palestinians.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Britain, as in the rest of the world, demand that the world and the United Nations establish a system of justice that transcends race and religion.

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