Reg: 12841587     

Announcing the opening of a bar in Dubai, also allowing live entertainment.

Dubai (Special Report)

The Dubai government has announced further easing of restrictions on corona epidemics. In addition to events and recreational activities in Dubai, bars and live entertainment are now allowed immediately.

However, the condition for this is that all the participants have been vaccinated. Participants will also be required to wear masks. These are the revised measures announced by Dubai.

  1. Live entertainment and other activities will be allowed in Dubai’s shopping malls, restaurants and cafes.
  2. Capacity at all recreational facilities and venues is now being increased to 70%. While hotels will be able to use 100 capacity.
  3. 100 people will be able to attend the wedding ceremony in the hall and hotel while 30 people will be allowed to attend the wedding ceremony in the house. Participants will also be required to wear masks and maintain social distance.
  4. The restaurant will be able to seat a maximum of 10 people at a single table while 6 people will be allowed to sit at a table in a glass cafe. The restaurant has also been allowed to start its own brunch service.
  5. All bars are being opened in which only customers who have been vaccinated will be allowed to enter. Vaccination has also been made mandatory for bar staff.
  6. Community sports events, concerts, social and institutional events such as gala dinners and awards ceremonies have also been banned.
  7. A sports event has been allowed with 1,500 participants in the indoor event and 2,500 in the outdoor event.

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