Reg: 12841587     

UAE citizens banned from travelling to Pakistan and India

Dubai (Special Report)

The UAE has released a list of 14 banned countries where UAE nationals will be barred from entering. However, diplomats, patients for emergency treatment, government, commercial and scientific delegations will be exempt from the ban.

According to Emirates Allium, the UAE Foreign Office’s list includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Namibia, Zambia, Democratic Congo, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Liberia, South Africa and Nigeria.

The UAE Foreign Ministry has urged its citizens to take special precautions when travelling to any country outside the list of prohibited countries. If you become infected with the virus before or during the trip, inform the embassy at the earliest, so that the affected citizens can be brought back after taking necessary action.

The UAE Foreign Office has asked its citizens to enrol in Khidmat-e-Tawajidi before the trip so that they can be provided timely assistance.

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