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Pakistan Day was celebrated with a special service at Westminster Abbey

London (Arif Chaudhry)

The Pakistani flag was hoisted on the roof of Westminster Abbey.
A special Ion Song event was organized at Westminster Abbey on the evening of March 22, 2022, to mark the 82nd Pakistan Day.

Dr Faisal Aziz Ahmed, Charge d’Affaires of the Pakistan High Commission and other officers of the High Commission represented Pakistan in the Special Service.

He was received at Westminster Abbey by The Reverend Dr John Hockey, Canon Theologian and Almoner.

Avon Song was sung by the world-famous choir of Westminster Abbey. Special prayers were offered for the development and prosperity of Pakistan and its people as well as for the ongoing friendship between the two countries. In addition to High Commission officials, a large number of British citizens and churchgoers attended the ceremony.

The highlight of the occasion was the waving of the Pakistani flag all day on the North Tower of Westminster Abbey. It continues to be the centre of attention for tourists who flock to this famous church every day from around the world.
Each year, Westminster Abbey invites the High Commission to a special ceremony on Pakistan Day for the nation to pray for its leaders and people.

Westminster Abbey is a royal church offering daily services to all and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a history of over a thousand years.

The number of tourists visiting here annually is more than one million. Thousands attend his daily church services.

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