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We have ensured free and fair local body elections in 34 districts of the province: Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo.

Muntazer Mahdi (Islamabad)

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo has said that we have ensured free and fair local body elections in 34 districts of the province. InshaAllah our government will make local bodies financially and administratively independent. They will be made self-reliant. In the next financial year’s budget, development funds of Rs. 10 billion will be allocated for local councils while Rs. 6.5 billion will be allocated for salaries and non-development. He was addressing the inauguration ceremony of newly elected councillors in the Balochistan Awami Party.

Apart from Federal Minister Sardar Israr Khan Tareen, Senator Manzoor Ahmad Khan Kakar, Balochistan Awami Party provincial ministers, parliamentary secretaries, party leaders and divisional coordinators, a large number of workers attended the function. Welcome to Baap Party Baap Party is one of the major parties of the province whose roots are in the people. The Chief Minister said that he laid the foundation of the party in 2018. We gave the party a comprehensive constitution and manifesto Delegates joined the Baap Party to increase its popularity.

Baap Party won the highest number of votes in the general elections. We won five seats in the National Assembly and 24 seats in the Provincial Assembly. Baap Party is also represented in the KP Assembly which was a great achievement for any new party. He said that we also have 12 seats in the Senate and Baap Party is the fourth largest party in the Senate. Unfortunately, the popularity of the party could not be maintained. Couldn’t pay in style.

The Chief Minister said that he was happy that the party workers were well aware of the internal and external conspiracies against the party. The party workers were fully committed to thwarting these conspiracies. I will never let that trust get hurt. I believe in taking everyone along.

We all need to uphold democratic values. Democracy and democratic institutions require tolerance, forbearance and forbearance. The Chief Minister said that Balochistan has its own traditions in which we respect each other. It has been eight months since the formation of our government. This period is very short for the performance of any government. However, by the grace of Allah, we have achieved a lot in this short period and ensured the protection of the rights and interests of the people The Chief Minister said that an important agreement like Rekodak was taken in the record agreement except for these camera sessions which took all the political parties into confidence and resumed the border trade.

Elimination of unnecessary check posts Ensured protection of employment opportunities for the people Increased employment opportunities Employment of employees of various departments and employees of contract teachers Ensured Health Card Launched Illegal trawling in the territorial waters of Balochistan He said that so far 6 meetings of the cabinet have been held. The cabinet has approved more than 200 important issues. We were facing a difficult situation as soon as we came to power. We have made difficult decisions according to the difficult situation. Did we release the highest development funds of Rs 91 billion in the history of the province in the current financial year? When we came to power, half a financial year had passed.
He said that Rs 60-70 billion is available for development in the province. Unrealistic figures of revenue of the province were presented in the budget. These were all factors which were a big challenge for us to improve. We accepted this challenge and revenue. The balance was set in the budget and the neglected areas were also included in the development process. The development funds were increased by reducing the non-development expenditure. The Chief Minister said that the new budget for the next financial year was Made according to wishes.

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