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Conducting local body elections cleanly and transparently is our great achievement: Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo

Quetta (Special Representative)

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qaddos Bizenjo has said that we have redressed the grievances of the people of opposition constituencies in the last budget. Allocations will be made. Proposals for the elimination of A and B areas of Quetta and division of the city into five towns will be seriously considered. The Election Commission of Pakistan will be informed about the objections regarding the delimitation of local bodies in the Quetta district.

These views were expressed by Chief Minister Balochistan while talking to a delegation of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, District Quetta, who called on him under the leadership of District Ameer Maulana Abdul Rehman Rafique. Opposition Leader Malik Sikandar Khan Advocate was also present on the occasion. Informing the objections of his party regarding the delimitation of local bodies in the Quetta district, he requested the government to inform the Election Commission about the objections so that they can be removed. Talking to the delegation, the Chief Minister said that the provincial government believes in equitable development of the province for which steps are being taken.

He said that the holding of local body elections was a great achievement of the government in which the government remained completely neutral and as the Chief Minister He did not visit any district including Awaran to avoid the impression of bias. The Chief Minister said that the most important achievement of the local body elections was the provision of security through levies and police. Proposals for uniform law enforcement and division of Quetta into five administrative towns will be considered, while objections to delimitation will be formally communicated to the Election Commission.

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