Reg: 12841587     

UAE reduces cases, announces easing of sanctions

Dubai (Bureau Report)

Restrictions have been eased following a drop in corona cases in the UAE, but the requirement for vaccines and PCR tests remains the same. Officials say they should pay special attention to the green pass protocol. These are rules that have been implemented immediately.

The capacity of shopping centres, restaurants and cafes has been increased to 80%.

A table can seat a maximum of 10 people, but masks must be worn.

100% booking will be possible in the hotel.

The capacity of cinemas, entertainment venues, galleries and museums has been increased to 80%.

The capacity of participants in the event has been increased to 60%.

The capacity of wedding and event halls has been increased to 60% but their number should not exceed 300.
Public transport will now run at 75% capacity. Masks will be required and passengers will maintain a reasonable distance.

Vaccine and PCR tests will be required to attend the event. Only those who have been fully vaccinated will be eligible to participate in the event and the second dose will not last more than 6 months.PCR negative report of participation in the event should not be more than 48 hours old.

Participation in the event will require the implementation of the Green Pass Protocol.

The Green Pass is a colour-coding system on the Al Hassan app that is tailored to the duration of vaccine and PCR tests.

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